Zoning solutions
Zoning solutions for residential ventilation are designed to enhance indoor air quality and comfort by dividing a home into distinct zones, each with its own specific ventilation needs. This approach allows for precise control over airflow and environmental conditions in different areas of the house, leading to improved energy efficiency and occupant comfort.

Zoning solutions
Our new valvescontrol for zoning (VMZ-02V02) offers benefits like more targeted ventilation in the living and/or sleeping zone. This is more energy efficient, it reduces noise and ensures a healthy indoor climate where it is needed at that moment.
The air distribution is distributed between the living zone and the sleeping zone on the basis of the measured CO2 concentrations. The CO2 concentrations indicate where the air quality in the house has decreased. This allows targeted ventilation. In many cases this means that there is more ventilation at night in the sleeping zone and less in the living zone and vice versa during the day.
Our zoning PCB supports 12V or 24V stepper with a max power of 4W. It is intended for a unipolar, 4-coil stepper motor.