A complete line of flush mounted sensors combines aesthetics, functionality, and practicality. They are offering advantages in terms of design, space-saving,
protection, maintenance, safety, integration, flexibility, and user experience.
Our flush mounted sensors are designed to be safe for use in different
applications. All sensors have IP21 and can be used in a bathroom in the
electrical safety zone 3. Our sensors measure air quality and movement in a
residential environment.
We have different types of flush mounted sensors/user interfaces:
• CO2 sensor
• RH sensor
• Motion detection (PIR) sensor
• Combination PIR and RH sensor
• Display user interface
• 4-button switch sensor
There are also a couple of customization possibilities:
1. Add logo on frame
2. Change icons on the cover
3. Change cover
We also offer product name on labels and boxes and we can add your manual upon request.

If you would like to receive a sample or would like more details please send an e-mail to: info@airios.eu