A sustainable indoor climate requires an integrated ventilation system. This is rightly a top issue in today's housing construction.
Our accents are set for comfort, user friendly controls for ventilation, heating and cooling, installation management, energy savings, continuous measurement (Humidity, CO2, VOC, particulate matter), IoT (cloud & communication) and last but not least set for data protection.
It is our objective to meet your structural wishes to fulfil your ventilation needs. In order to reflect these wishes correctly, we would like to speak to you. In return, we will share our knowledge with you, but we would like to go one step further...
We could well imagine offering our latest developments, applications and control solutions (PCBs printed circuit boards) for you as a test in possible future projects of yours.
Sounds like a good idea? Then just fill in our contactform https://www.airios.eu/contact and we will get in touch with you.
We are looking forward to a good cooperation.
